Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Day with the Amish

Naomi Judd in the sun glasses

Naomi Judd's car

they were making sorghum

the end of the porch was covered with tomatoes

my beautiful oak rocking chair

The third day that Sandy was here, we decided to go to Ethridge Tennessee to the Amish Community. It takes us about an hour to get there and it sure is an interesting place to visit.  The Amish make their livings by working the land.  They also sell fresh vegetables, molasses, quilts, rugs, baskets, hats, furniture and other hand made goods from their homes.  Before going to their community, we had lunch at the Red Rooster Restaurant. Man oh man! was it ever the best food and so much of it!  Sandy was so nice to buy Chuck's and my lunches. Chuck had walked into the connecting store as I waited for Sandy to pay the bill.  Afterwards, when Sandy and I went to find Chuck, we realized that the boy only charged us for two lunches ($6.99 each).  So, Sandy went back into the restaurant to tell the boy that she owed for another lunch.  Well, a man in line, asked Sandy if she saw Naomi Judd at one of the tables, eating lunch?  Sure was her!  So, Sandy came and told me and I went back in to see if I could get a picture of her.  I didn't want to walk up and ask her if I could take her picture, while she was eating her lunch, so I took it from across the room.   When we went outside, her Jag was parked right at the door.  I guess you never know who you are going to see when you are in Tennessee!  Our ride through the Amish community was fun.  We stopped at the one house where we had bought Chuck's hat and jams last year, so we could buy some more jams.  The next stop was at a house that sold outdoor furniture.  There is was!!!!!  The most beautiful oak rocking chair that I have ever seen and once I sat down in had to be mine!  Chuck said "yes", so we put the one seat down in the Explorer and there was still room for  I now have the most comfortable rocking chair on the back porch, facing so I can see the whole back yard and woods.  What a great day we ended up having!! 

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