Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Most Fun Thing!

I had the most fun of all summer, a couple evenings ago....digging my sweet potatoes!  On the way to the " Watermelon Festival", we saw a man sitting on the back of his truck which was FULL of sweet potatoes...for sale.   That is why I knew it was time to dig mine.  Just from planting six plants in the Spring, I got a whole BIG bucket full. The vines took over half of the garden all summer but it was worth it.   It's a little weird not washing the dirt off of them but that is what I was told to do.  I'm sure I will be tired of eating sweet potatoes before they are all gone, because Chuck doesn't like them, but I will share with Shell when she comes up.  Since I didn't wash them, they are suppose to last for months in a cool place.  Of course I had to taste one already.  I made roasted veggies for dinner the next night and cut one up to go with regular ( for Chuck) potatoes, yellow squash, asparagus and some carrots ( from the garden) .  It was the sweetest sweet potato that I have ever had.  ...no kidding.  Next summer I will have sweet potatoes taking over the garden again.  They are the most fun thing that I have grown......so far. 

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