Saturday, August 6, 2011

Longest Yard Sale

Look Out Mountain...Gadsden, Alabama

Plenty of old time gliders and chairs

Girls from Marland

Chuck walking with our bell

Even a casket!
 Well, our lives are back to normal since Chuck came home from Florida.....we're back to going here and there and having adventures.  I'm loving it!  We decided to go to the " longest yard sale" that is always on HGTV.  It started in Gadsden, Ala and went on through the states to Ohio.  We got up early and packed the cooler with our lunch and plenty of drinks.  It was suppose to be close to 100 degrees that day. ....we dressed accordingly.  It's a pretty drive over to Gadsden. The sale started on Look Out Mountain and went through little towns along the way.  Well, it started raining on us just as we got to the first set of yard sales.  We grabbed the umbrella's and started looking.  Most of the sales were under tents but the ones that weren't, got covered up with plastic.  Our very first purchase was a big cast iron bell that is " LOUD"!!!  I can ring it and Chuck will be able to hear it all the way down to the barn...heck, the BNOE will probably be able to hear  Just about anything you were looking for, you could find...which most of it was way over priced.  From bath tubs, cast iron frying pans, unicycle, furniture, dishes, signs....lots of signs! even a little casket.  I wanted to buy the casket to have for when it comes time to bury one of my kitties. ( I plan on having a cemetery here on the land), but the guy wanted waaaaaay too much money for the casket.  It poured down rain on us ALL day.  It would have been a lot more fun if it hadn't rained but we still had fun seeing all the " stuff".  We stopped at this one little shop and they had the best prices of all.  We got a bakers rack for the deck for only $12 and a glass server plate for $5.  Also got this little bottle for $1, that has wire around the top of it to hang in your window to root plants in.  ( I have it hanging in the sun room, rooting ivy) We talked to two girls from Maryland, that had rented a " closed in box truck" and they were filling it up with furniture and all kinds of treasures.  Every place we stopped, they were there.  It got to be funny. We ended up having our picnic in the explorer because it was lighting, thundering and pouring down rain to bad.  At least we weren't HOT all day.  ....just wet.  We'll probably do it again next year....IF it's not raining.

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