Friday, August 5, 2011

Home At Last!

Heading for home

At home, in the barn.

 I lived here in the woods for 3 1/2 weeks by myself. Can you believe it? mom never would have.....believed it, that is.   Chuck had to drive to Florida because his Dad was rushed to the hospital.  Luckily, that turned out ok and his Dad is back home again.  .....BUT when it came time for us to move almost two years ago, we left the Camaro at the body shop to be painted.  It was suppose to have been done before we moved but that never happened.  It didn't happen during the almost two years we have lived here either.  Soooooo, Chuck made sure it got done while he was down there.  THAT is what took most of the 3 1/2 weeks.  He went with Shell to buy a new Mini Cooper also.  Now we don't have to worry about her car breaking down and her Daddy not being there to come rescue her.  I did pretty good handling things here on my own except for keeping everything mowed.  The push mower wasn't working right and there was no way I knew how to fix it.  ....that and the weed eating.   I made my first trip down to Montgomery and two trips to Birmingham without Chuck.  I never dreamed that I would be running all over Alabama by myself, but I found out that I can do it.  I did have four days of company when Christina came up for my Birthday.  It was such a nice break from being alone.  A week later, Chuck finally came home! It sure was nice to get my security blanket back.  I wouldn't want to live here all alone, but I found out that if I HAD too......I could. 

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