Saturday, July 16, 2011

Mystery Melons

Mystery cantaloupe

Butternut squash

 Remember me telling you about the mystery melons that came up in the garden and I thought it was a cucumber vine?  Then I thought they were honey dew melons but they turned into cantaloupe. (well they didn't TURN into cantaloupe...they were cantaloupe and I couldn't tell) The seeds were in the compost from one of the cantaloupes that we ate and they got tilled into the dirt before we planted the garden.  We had a lot of surprise plants come up all over the garden.  Lots of grape tomatoes.  ...which is fine with me.  We have five cantaloupes growing bigger by the day in the big garden.  I'm glad because the cantaloupe seeds that I planted in their own little patch, aren't doing so well.   The watermelons have finally taken off though and we should have some pretty big watermelon in about a month. That is if I start sprinkling baby powder on them soon. It's suppose to keep the animals from eating them. We'll see.   The acorn and butternut squash are doing well also.  Those we can keep all the way into winter along with my sweet potatoes.  I can't wait to dig those....hope they are good.  They say not to wash them and they will keep for months in the basement.  I'll report back on those, come Fall.  Not only do we have mystery compost plants in the garden but the whole bin is full of pretty tomato plants and some kind of vine....could be cucumbers or more cantaloupe.  Will let ya know if anything happens with that. 

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