Thursday, July 28, 2011

Daily Trip

Compost garden

Stars and Moon watermelon

Dixie Lee watermelon

another picking

Butternut squash

Mystery Melon
I took my daily walk down to the garden by the way of the mail box, yesterday and came back with a huge basket full.  I picked another mystery cantaloupe ( which I cut the other two up and have been eating on them several times a day)  We have three more in the garden.  Of course you can't walk through the garden without picking at least four cucumbers.  I picked another half a basket of beans....and I ended up putting up three more bags in the freezer today....along with another basket of tomatoes.  THEN....I picked two butternut squash.  There are several more growing, along with a few acorn squash.  I checked inside the compost bin and there was even a ripe tomato in there.   I had a big disappointment when I checked the watermelons though.  An animal had eaten a hole in one of the bigger melons....even with the baby powder on them.....sigh!  I think it was a raccoon so even if I planted the melons on the inside of the garden fence, next year, I don't think it would do any good because the raccoons climbed the fence and ate all of our corn.  I either need to "rent" one of the BNOE dogs ( ewwww dogs!) and tie it up down at the garden at night or camp out in one of our tents and use the BB gun on what ever is invading the garden.  It depends on how bad I want to eat my own watermelon next  It's almost time to pull most of everything up and get the tiller out.  It's been another fun garden.  I can't imagine summer without one. 

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