Monday, May 16, 2011

Mystery Trip

When we first moved here, I was really lucky to have been invited to join the " Quilt Guild"which meets every month in Decatur.  I actually joined the " book club" at our local library and that is where I met Betty, who belonged to the quilt guild.  Over the past year and a half, I have had so much fun, learning, and laughing with the nicest women in the "south".   They have elected me as the "guild historian" and that was right up my alley, as ya'll know.  Yes! that means another scrap book is being created in my studio.  ...I I need another one, but it's too much fun to say "no".  Soooooo, every May, the guild goes on a " mystery trip".  That means only two ladies know where we are going, because they are the ones that plan it.  We rent a bus ( with the money in the kitty, from our yearly dues) and set out for the day.  It's just so much fun when you have no idea where you are going and whats going to be there, when you get there.  This year we ended up in Mississippi.  I know!!!  how fun is it to be able to be in the next state in just a couple of hours!!!!  We went to this funny man's house...which was two houses hooked together and consisted of 18 rooms, full of quilts, quilts and more quilts, tons of fabric and collections of " depression glass".  Each room had a unique bed in it also.  The fabric was wonderful fabric, the kind you pay over $8 a yd for in a normal quilting store and it ranged from $2 to $4 a yard.   When you put 17 quilters in a place like this....look out!  There was constant cutting of fabric up until lunch time, which we all brought ourselves and had a picnic outside under the trees and took up again, after lunch.  Yards and yards were taken back to Alabama with us.  I can't wait for next year's "mystery trip" with the most fun women in Alabama!

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