Saturday, April 2, 2011

Baby Chick Day!

The baby chicks were suppose to be at Tractor Supply on Monday, so we took the girls on Tues. morning to see them..BUT they weren't there.  They had sold out of them in just one day.  So, we went back on Wed and they had some more.  They are the cutest things!  This is were I bought " The Girls" this time last year.  Yep...they are a year old already and producing eggs galore for us.  Genavive fell in love with one of the babies and wanted to bring it home so badly.  She named it " Peep".  The  store rule HAVE to buy SIX chicks with no exceptions.  I told Genavive that six more chickens wouldn't fit in the hen house.  She asked Papa if he would put an addition on to the Girl's mansion so we could take six baby chicks home with us.  I told her if the store would let us only buy two, then I would have gotten them for her.  She was sad to leave the store without any of the chicks but when we got into the explorer, I handed her a little stuffed chick that peeped, that I had bought a couple of weeks ago.  That helped the fact, that she couldn't have a real one.  We made this " baby chick day" and I put "peeps" on and in everything she ate all day.  I had made her a " baby chick" pillow case and we even had baby chicken legs for  Shell and Genavive made " the girls" cup cakes with Peeps on them, for their birthday.  Of course only, we ate the cup cakes....not the chickens.  They provided the eggs that went into them.  I think Genavive will remember our " baby chick day" for a long time.  I sure will.

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