Sunday, March 20, 2011

Happy Birthday! George.

I think it must be around " George the kitty's" birthday.  He must have been born last Spring since when he started to show up around the house site it was summer.  He looked like he was a teenager  about then.  It's hard for me to believe that he was so afraid of us and wouldn't let us even touch him.  Now, I can't go outside without him running to me and wanting me to pick him up.  His favorite thing for me to do, is sit in the swing on the front porch and he climbs up and lays in my lap.  I think he would lay there all day, if I let him.  Most of the time, he sleeps on the tables on the porch.  I have given up on having anything "clean" on the front porch.  It's all covered with red,muddy kitty prints.  He can't help it so I'm not too upset over it.  It's so much fun having an " outdoor kitty" to help you do yard work and the best is when George follows me down the drive way to the barn.....through the barn and out to the chickens.  He lays by the chicken yard and watches the " BIG BIRDS" until I call him and we head back up to the house.  I have never had a kitty like him before.  When they say, every cat is different....that they are! 

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