Sunday, March 13, 2011

Greener than Green

What a beautiful Spring day it was yesterday.  It just made you want to go out and work in the yard.  ...and that we did.  It was time to mow our grass for the first time.  After being snowed on three times and many days below freezing, it never was any other color but " green"!   I used " little red" to mow and Chuck used the push mower to mow the hills.  There is no way! I'm going to mow those hills on "little red".  It's like riding a roller coaster going down the hills.  When we got it all mowed, Chuck said our grass looks like it belongs at a resort at Disney.  It sure is pretty.  All of my daffodils that I planted along the retaining walls are all up and have buds.  They will be blooming this coming week for sure.  We also planted the other three crape myrtles that I have kept alive in pots for about four years.  Then, we went over to the BNOE and Charlotte dug up two big forsythias for me.  Chuck planted those at each corner of the front of the house.  The bright yellow flowers will look pretty against our yellow house.  I planted some peonies in the corner flower bed by the fake fence.  I LOVE those flowers.  I'm having fun planting all the things that you can't grow in Florida.  We have lots of empty flower beds but I'm sure by the end of summer, I will have most of them full.   People are so nice to give me plants from their yards.  Charlotte's Mom brought me a big bucket of "hellebore's" from her yard in Nashville.  I'm still deciding where I want to plant those.  It's so much fun having a " clean slate" for a yard. 

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