Thursday, February 17, 2011

Oldest Jail in Alabama

The hole in the wall.....
all the nails in the walls and ceilings

I got my morning coffee and went to the living room to watch the early morning news, like every morning and Chuck says to me, " lets go see the natural bridge in the forest" today. I asked him if I should pack us a picnic lunch and he said...."naaa, we won't be gone long". So, we ate breakfast, got dressed and headed out. On the way to the bridge, we saw the sign for the " oldest jail in Alabama" and turned to go find it. It wasn't far and something very interesting to see. It consisted of two rooms with each room having bared windows and a hole carved on one wall, for the men to " pee" through. Guess they used buckets for the " other". ...ewwwww! There were a gazillion nails in all the boards so the inmates couldn't saw through or pull the boards down to escape. The sign had some interesting facts about the jail and we enjoyed seeing and reading about it.

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