Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cold but getting colder

It's defiantly winter here....our second one here in Alabama. Ya don't go out without your coat, hat, scarf and gloves. Oh! and your wool socks. You need to know where the ice scrapper is too. That is if you are going any where in the Explorer or truck. I went down to let the chickens out and check their food and water this morning. Well, their water was frozen solid...poor things. They were peaking at ice, trying to get a drink. I tried to use the hose to give them new water but it was frozen too. Chuck took the hose off the faucet and at least that worked. We're going to have to go down and give them fresh water every morning because it's going to freeze again at night. It's been in the 20's at night but next week it's going to get down to 15 degrees. Oh, and we're suppose to get snow this weekend. I can't wait!!!! I can't wait to be in a " winter wonderland" again.

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