Thursday, December 30, 2010

Birmingham Visitors

Kimber, Miss Savannah and Lady Melanie

saying "good bye"

Lady Melanie called me yesterday and asked if her and Kimber could come up for a days visit, for today and of course I said "yes"! right away. We just love it when Melanie comes to Brambly Pines or we get to go down to Birmingham to visit with her. She is always so happy to see us and makes us feel like family. Today her car was loaded down with presents and food from special places or homemade. They brought the prettiest petits fours with lavender flowers on top, almond coffee cake and wonderful butter dinner rolls, all from Savages bakery ( mentioned in Fannie Flagg's new book). Then, there were these wonderful chips from the neat place ( I can never remember the name of the place where we ate lunch when Shell and I went down right after Thanksgiving), a jar of Carmichael Hall honey and two different kinds of homemade fruit cake. Then! there were two beautiful lavender and white plates to hang over the pretty lavender toile vase, in my bedroom. Along with a box with different bird and garden pictures on it that matches a picture frame that I already had. There was some crochet thread that I've been looking for to crochet " glass sweaters" for my drinking glasses. If you are ever looking for something, just tell Lady Melanie and it will be found! It's great! On top of the prettiest hyacinth and a blooming violet! (because they are both purple) , we are honored to have been given the " Johnson family cook book" AND the family book , "Memories of Carol Villa" which was published for the Johnson's family reunion in 2009. For 39 years we have been treated like family when we would come to visit with Gene and George . Not only by just Gene and George, but by the rest of the relatives that we have been lucky to know. After opening presents, we walked down to collect eggs from " the girls" and tour the barn. Then, we had lunch in the dining room, played in the studio and had a tea party in the sun room before it was time for Lady Melanie and Princess Kimber to leave to go back to Birmingham. The day went way too fast. It always does when you are having fun.

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