Monday, November 22, 2010

Getting ready

I spent the last two days getting ready for Shell to come see the house for the first time. I decided I wanted some kind of furniture next to the rocking chair in the kitchen so went off to the barn to see what I could find. I uncovered this night stand with three drawers that I had bought " junking" with Sandy in Gulfport, before we moved. I paid a whole $7 for It was painted black with a lot of paint chipped off of it but it was still worth way over $7! I loaded it up in my cart behind " little red" and brought it into the kitchen to decide if I really wanted it in there before I spent the time to paint it. "Yep"...I thought I would like it there so back down to the barn, it went. I put two coats of blue paint on it and prayed that I wouldn't run out of paint. I had a smidgen left when I was done. The handles were also painted black so when I took them off, Chuck sprayed them silver for me. Well, when I loaded the stand back into " little red's cart", I saw where I had a lot of touching up to do. That happens a lot. The lighting in the barn just isn't good for painting. When you bring what you have painted out into the sun oh man! you need to get the paint and paint brush out again. Any ways, I touched it up and let it dry. When I finally brought it up to the house, I was so glad that I had decided on that piece. I love it next to the rocking chair. It also pulls my " blue" over into the breakfast room. After, I cleaned house the rest of the day, I went into the studio and finished up making the last three cushions for the chairs in the kitchen. It finally looks like the kitchen is done. There is one more piece of furniture that I'm trying to decide if I want in there but I need Chuck to bring it over from the TT and IF I want it in the kitchen, I'll have to get some more blue paint. All of this can wait until after Thanksgiving. Shell and I have so many more things to decided on and do. At least I have had the dining room all ready for Thanksgiving for a month now. It will be sad to take it all down, but then again....Christmas will look pretty in there too.

Well, Shell should be here in about an hour. ( smiling) I'll tell ya all about what we end up doing to the house and all the fun we're going to have. Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving! Ours is going to be GREAT!

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