Sunday, October 31, 2010

Pansy Shopping!

All the pretty colors!

Making it all fit! Notice Melanie's bee hive for her yard.

packed in the Explorer

My tray of pansies.

My chicken planter that Lady Melanie bought me.

One of the reasons why we went down to Birmingham, yesterday was to go " pansy shopping" with Lady Melanie. She has a special nursery that she visits often and what fun it was. There were two white doves, just walking around and roosting on things inside the shop. ..along with lots of fun things for your garden. Outside were the most beautiful pansies that I have ever seen...ever! It was so hard for Lady Melanie and I to pick the ones to take home with us. We ooohhhhed and ahhhhed over them all. Of course my eyes kept going towards the ones with purple in them. Lady Melanie found a " beehive" lawn ornament that she just had to have since she has a real beehive in her back yard. ( and she gave us another jar of her harvested honey from this summer) THEN....she turned around and bought me a "chicken planter" for an outside present! A fun day AND presents too!!!! It's a good thing we took the Explorer and not a car.....we were packed in by the end of the day.

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