Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Brought Presents!!

Cardinal picture
Lavender toile vase

Puzzle of our land

towels from Gene's Mom

Lady Melanie presents

Not only did we have fun with Gene and George's visit, but they brought tons of presents! Gene's Mom sent a house warming present up with them. It was two beautiful towels with pretty embroidered blue flowers on them. You can guess what bathroom those are going in. MINE! They look so pretty in there. ...almost too pretty to use but I'm using them. On the way up, Gene and George stopped at " Lady Melanie"s ( she is Gene's cousin) in Birmingham. She also sent a gift bag full of presents. All " purple" things for me actually. Several little dishes with pretty purple flowers on them. ....a cream pitcher, a little plate, a small bowl with a lid and a little rectangle plate that Gene and I decided would be perfect to put my bracelets in. Speaking of bracelets there was a purple and pearl bracelet, a beautiful matching necklace (which she made) AND a precious little purple flower circle pin on the bag. Then! there was a little " Tea Party for Two" book that was all done in purple. I think Lady Melanie knows how much I love purple! After all of that, Gene hands me another bag of presents from them! There was a really funny "rooster pin", a pair of giraffe playing cards and a set of giraffe pencils, along with a saying that fits us over the years." Sit long, talk much, laugh often". We've done all of that every time we get together. Then, the best of all there was a " jigsaw puzzle" of the map of our land. All 22 acres of it. It even has our house on it!!!!! It is the most awesome present!!!! I can't wait to put it together, which I think it's going to be very, very hard but Chuck is good with maps so I'm sure it won't take us very long. I have never liked it when people "frame" puzzles but I think we are going to have to "frame" this one. The " present giving" wasn't over. Friday, when Gene and George had to go to a little town a few miles away to talk to some students, they stopped at this little Antique store and Gene found me the most beautiful " lavender and white, toile vase". It is the neatest vase ever!!! Then, she had also bought me a framed picture of two cardinals, to go in the sun room, since I had said I was going to put " birds" and " gardening" stuff in there. We have so many cardinals on the land and enjoy watching them come to our feeders. Its really nice to have such " thoughtful" friends that have shared in our dreams. We feel very loved. Thank you everyone for such wonderful presents!!!!

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