Sunday, September 26, 2010

Troy's List

Troy has teased me about the chalk board ever since I had him put the frame up for it. He said it was going to be Chuck's " honey do" list and it was going all the way to the floor. Everyone that came to the house, he told that story too. So! I decided to play a joke on Troy and I made a long list on the board of things for him to do. Some of them were things that still needed to be done in the house but I also made up silly things like " gather the eggs, wash all the windows, feed the cats, make whomp biscuits, lay sod, mow the yard, move furniture from the barn...etc. When he came the next morning and saw the list he laughed and laughed. Then, he called his wife and read the list to her. Now when ever anyone comes into the house, he stops them at the list and asks them if they could please help him out and do something on the He has cheated some by erasing some of the words to make it suit something that he has done. He's so funny. Believe it or not, he doesn't have very many things left to check off the list. He loves getting into the drawer where I keep the chalk and marking off something on the board. I think he's going to miss us as much as we are going to miss him.

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