Friday, September 24, 2010

The Big Move!

Hall bath

Laundry room with

Breakfast room

Sun room

I know! I know! I know!.....everyone has been waiting to see what's been going on here at Brambly Pines. Well, we have been working our butts off and we're getting there. Even though we have almost all the furniture in the house, we have a lot of work deciding where to hang things on the walls, what fabric to use to recover cushions ( in the sun room)...make valances in some of the rooms and find lamps where they are needed and find some dining room chairs. Troy came on Wed and helped Chuck move all the heavy stuff that he couldn't do himself . He has gone way beyond to just being " our builder". Everything we own, has had to be washed before being put into the house. Between the dirt, spider webs and mold, it's been a BIG job! Just think about washing everything you own and move it into a house . Our couch is ruined by mold so we have to buy a new one. For right now, we have two chairs in the living room to just give us something to sit on. I pretty much have the kitchen the way I want it. I'm sure I will be changing things down the know me. The "island" turned out awesome for being in a storage shed for ten years and through a flood. I love the color blue I painted it. ( it looks brighter in the pic than it really is) I still have our bedroom dressers to paint and a couple of other pieces to touch up. There are tons of boxes to go through yet. I'm still missing a few things. I'll find them one of these days. ..and won't it be fun when I do? I have my studio about half way set up. There is still scrap booking stuff in the TT and lots in the barn. I've had to rethink how I had things in my studio in Fla because of less space. I'll make it work though. I'm lucky to have an extra bedroom for my studio and it's waaaaay bigger than the bedrooms we had. Chuck's been cleaning up the back porch so Tim can come back and stain the floor and paint the boards that Troy and Tommy will use for putting up the screen. We have to go buy our pretty screen door too. It's going to be prefect for the " Fall weather" we are getting this coming week. Chuck's also been cleaning up the yard....there are big piles of wood, a big pile of dirt that has to be moved and the yard to level before we can lay sod. Troy brought his tractor with the front end loader on it, for Chuck to use. Chuck says his winter job is going to be...clearing out the dead trees and all the vines from the woods in front of the house. Then, it will be my job deciding where and what to put in the flower beds. Oh! oh! they finally came and picked up the stinky port a potty!!!! Yea!!!!!! I hated that thing.! Next the dumpster that is in the drive way to the basement will be picked up. Well, I will try and post to the blog every couple of days again, since we have the major stuff moved. ...including the kitties. Annie LOVES the new house and has been in every crack and cranny. Marmie has spent the past two days under my chase in my bedroom. He does get in bed with me at night though. He will venture out more as time goes by. Chuck painted my bed today and we set it all up....with me washing and ironing both bed skirts to it. I'm off to sleep in it for the first time in almost 11 months. Good night!...don't let the bed bugs bit!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yahoo, Auntie Barb! I love seeing your familiar furniture in such colorful new surroundings. That color blue is wonderful, so bright that it's gotta make you happy to see it every morning. Love it. I hope we can come up to see ya'll soon.