Sunday, August 22, 2010


A couple of days ago, I went down to let the chickens out into their yard. The day before, I had given them a bunch of watermelon rinds to eat and they never eat the whole rind, so I went into the yard to pick up all the rinds, before letting them out. As I was picking up the rinds, I looked over by the ceramic rooster and right in front of it...about three feet from my feet was a "SNAKE"!!!!!! I high tailed it out of there and headed up the drive way to get Chuck. When I got about half way, Troy was coming down in his truck so I told him about the SNAKE! He grabbed a shovel out of the back of his truck and went into the chicken yard and cut the head off of the snake. I wouldn't have had him kill him but I knew it was a " poisonous" one! (by the shape of it's head) I came and got Chuck to look at it and sure enough...he said it was poisonous but he wasn't sure what kind it was. He knew it wasn't a "rattler" though. It looked a lot like a " copperhead" but it didn't have any orange on it. He's still in the process of trying to find it on the internet. Now, I check out " the chicken yard" before I ever let the " girls/Sipsey" out every morning. I'm going to buy some " snake repellent" at Tractor Supply next time we go. I told Chuck that I can take the " spiders, bugs, chiggers, worms, ticks, armadillos, raccoons and coyotes" but NOT the SNAKES!! Luckily, I've only seen three snakes in the last nine months and the other two weren't poisonous. My brother used to tell me that he couldn't believe that I would come up here and camp out in tents and the TT (before we moved) because I have always been the " prissy" kind of girl my whole life.( ask any one who has known me my whole life) get the dirt off of me, don't lick me dog, kind of person. ..ha...sometimes I wonder what happened to me too. There is no other place on earth that I would rather live. I am the happiest I've ever here in the woods with all the " icky bugs and the above mentioned." I just have to get rid of the SNAKES!

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