Saturday, August 7, 2010

Meet George.

You know me and " kitties"....I love them all. Now when it comes to "dogs"...forget it!!! Since we moved to the land, we have seen at least four different " woods kitties" and I have refrained on feeding any of them because I know I can't have more than the two kitties that I already have. Yes, I felt sorry for them this winter....walking around in the snow, hungry...hunting but I told myself they would be OK and knew how to take care of themselves. Well, a couple of weeks ago....this poor skinny, meowing marmalade, less than a year old kitty shows up at the house. He's been hanging out around the house and TT for a couple of weeks now. He is afraid of us but not enough to run away and stay away. I just couldn't stand it! I went in and got a bowl of my kittie's crunchies and put them at the end of the house. He was cautious but went to the bowl and ate and ate, until it was empty. Of course, he shows up a couple of times a day get more of those good tasting crunchies that he doesn't have to go catch. I told Chuck that I wasn't going to name him .....BUT...I did. His name is George. Don't ask me just sounded like a good name for him. Sooooooooo here I am feeding an outdoor kitty. I hope the rest of the kitties we've seen don't show up looking hungry. What can I say?

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