Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I knew this day would come sooner or later....but really didn't think it would be this soon. All five of " the girls" laid an egg today! Five eggs!!! Two of them were even " large size". We haven't used any of the large size ones yet so we don't know if they are just double yolks or regular size. Will let ya know. We have three dozen eggs in the refrigerator right now....it's time to share again. All five eggs were laid in the same nesting box. Tommy, (the trim guy) who has 200 chickens...whoa! huh? told me to put golf balls in the other nesting boxes and the chickens would think they were eggs and would start using the other boxes. Well, Chuck gave me three golf balls and I put one in each of the other boxes, but it didn't work. So, I took those out and put a fake plastic egg in each of the boxes and so far, that hasn't worked either. The girls get in the boxes....look at the plastic egg, get out and jump in the first box and lay their eggs. They sure are funny little creatures. ...but I love them.

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