Monday, August 23, 2010

Beautiful Houses

While Chuck was looking at all the old cars at the Watermelon Festival ( they really aren't my thing) I walked down the street to look at all the pretty houses. I am paying attention to people's yards up here lately so I can get some ideas on how to landscape ours. The plants and flowers are waaaaay different than I am used to in Florida. One of the houses had beautiful " gingerbread work" on it. The man was sitting on this porch so I walked up to talk to him about it. He said he had ordered it from a magazine. I have a band saw and I plan on making my own to go all the way across our front porch. I had Troy leave off the molding at the top of our posts so the gingerbread will fit flat up again the over hang. It's going to take me awhile to cut them all out....there will be at least 18 of them. Then, I will probably want some on the breeze way to the back porch. As soon as we move my sewing corner from the barn, to the house, I will set up my band saw corner. So many fun things to keep me busy!

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