Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A trip to the garden

I walked down to the garden just before lunch to see how the rain last night, fared everything and ended up picking two baskets full of stuff. There were acorn squash, summer squash, a few yellow cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, rattle snake beans and pinto beans. I had some of the cucumber on my sandwich for lunch and we're having acorn squash with our steak tonight. I sat on the porch and snapped the green beans and ended up with two zip lock bags full. I need to find some more recipes that use squash and green beans. Will probably end up freezing what I can from the garden. If I have a lot of tomatoes come in, I'll " can" those. As I was looking at all of my little baby watermelons, " Peter rabbit" ran out of the cantaloupe end of the patch. Now I know why Mr. McGreggor was so mad at "Peter".

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