Sunday, June 27, 2010

Just another kayak Sunday........

the wasp nest

Chuck bringing me my black eyed susans

stopped for lunch

one of the houses on the river

the martins flying all around

the martin mud nests

We started the day with 67 degree weather and eating blueberry pancakes on the porch. ..ahhhhhh! I just love summer up here. ( I think I've said that before) I packed our lunches while Chuck packed up the kayaks and all the other stuff we take with us....and we took off for where Smith Lake and the Sipsey River meets. We paddled down the Sipsey River part. Chuck looked at the map when we got home and said that we paddled 12 to 14 miles....dang! That's enough exercise to last ya a week. We'll see if I'm sore in a couple of days. The first amazing thing we came across we went under the bridge we saw tons of martins flying all around us and as we looked up under the bridge, there were about 50 or so mud nests that the martins had made. They were really strange looking. On the first part of the river, there were houses. It was really neat seeing how each and every one of them built decks and stairs down to the river. Then, we came to a part of the river where there were no houses and no one was on the river but us. It was so quiet and peaceful. The only noise you heard was the birds, crickets and the noise of the paddles entering the water. We stopped for lunch at this little beach area and Chuck got out and took a walk into the woods. He didn't come back for a little while but when he did, he had a handful of black eyed susans for my vase in my kayak. What a sweet thing! After lunch we continued down the river a little ways before deciding we should turn around. On the way back, I came across this HUGE wasp nest hanging in a tree. The wasps were really and white. Before we knew it, we were back to the bridge and loading the kayaks into the truck. We doubted ourselves when we bought the kayaks....should we spend the money on them just before we were moving. We are sooooooo glad we did. They are providing a lot of advertures for us and the doubts are gone!

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