Tuesday, June 29, 2010

cucumbers and more cucumbers....

I only planted one row of cucumbers....honest!!!! So far, I've made three batches of "freezer pickles" and have given the BNOE a hand full. I try and give Troy some every other day when he comes to work on the house but he won't take them cause he has them coming out his ears too....lol. He said he's not planting as many cucumbers next year...ha. We compare gardens every day. Today he said that they put up corn over the weekend and he was going to bring us some but the ears he had laid aside, got shucked and put in with the corn they put up. That's OK cause I think our corn is going to be ready by the time Shell and Genavive come up. Troy said over the weekend, he fried some okra and some squash. Well, I guess I'm half way to being " southern" because I fried okra and squash the other night too. First, I dipped it in "buttermilk"..(ewwwwww...my Mom used to drink that stuff!) and then covered it with corn meal. Fried it in veggie oil and OMG! it was sooooo good! I told Chuck that I was going to plant two rows of okra next year. I think to be " all southern" I have to make " grits" next. Maybe one Sunday morning to go with our eggs and southern biscuits with the pink plum jelly we were given last week. Sounds pretty good to me! They sure do know how to cook and eat up here.

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