Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Wild roses, etc

Early this morning, Chuck put on his boots and went for a walk around the land. He came back and told me to put my boots on and to grab the camera. The wild roses are blooming and they are all over the land. You can tell when you are coming up to a bunch of them because of the smell. They smell sooooooo good!! They are hanging in cascades from the trees and are in huge bunches on the ground. I wish they would last all summer. Not only are the roses blooming but all the blackberries are blooming also. Every place you walk around the land, you see little either little pink or white flowers. Then, you might come across a pretty purple thistle. There are also lots of other pretty wild flowers that we are learning their names. We learned that the little " umbrella plants" with the white bloom on them are called " May apples". They actually get a little apple on them. Our whole vocabulary is so different up here. It's keeping our brains working, learning all this stuff. I just love living " up north".

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