Thursday, May 6, 2010

The TT yard

Linda called me the other day to say that she had some really pretty lavender iris and that I could come get some, if I wanted. Of course I jumped at the chance. People have given me all of my iris and I have several pretty colors now. The daisies that the BNOE gave me a couple of years ago, are blooming also. The flower beds around the TT are so colorful right now.
The BNOE has a " bird girl statue" and ever since I saw it, I wanted one but now it even means more to me because it is a big reminder of how much fun I had on the " mother/daughter" trip that I went on with Shell and the two best friends any one could ever want, last year. Our first stop was Savannah, Ga. and on our fun tours of the city, we went to the Bonaventure Cemetery where the " Bird girl statue" used to stand and was written about in the book " Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil". The fun part of it all was Shell read the book to us as we spent our days in the car getting to one point to the next. What laughs we had! Soooo, back to my yard of the TT. ......I had saved my money because I knew I just HAD to have a " bird girl" like the BNOE. When Chuck and I were at Home Depot the other day, low and behold....they had a " bird girl" and for 1/3 the price of the ones at the cement statue place. The next day, we took the truck back to town and bought her and she now lives in the flower bed of the TT. I now have a fun reminder of our great trip with great friends (and daughter) every time I sit on the porch of the TT and watch the birds eat.

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