Thursday, April 22, 2010

Forest Wild Flowers

Yesterday we took Charlotte hiking in the forest. We went looking for wild flowers and oh did we find them! Bluebells, white and red trillium, wild iris, phlox, lady slipper, beautiful ferns and many more flowers that we didn't know the names. We met up with a couple at the end of our hike and they said that her sister had gone out the day before and found over 75 different kinds of wild flowers. We also came across a school of trout in the stream. That is something that Chuck and I had never seen before. We had set out to find the waterfall about 1/4 mile down the Sipsey by the way of Borden creek but we ran out of time and had to turn back because Charlotte had to go pick Ben up from school. Maybe next time! We still had a really beautiful day in the forest as always and ended up hiking about six miles. The weather was perfect for it. I think we got Charlotte hooked....she wants to go again....just like everyone does, once they go.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow... that's a lot of trout! I say we bring fishing poles next time!