Saturday, January 30, 2010

Some place new....

Every once in awhile, we just need to get away from the " mud" so we try and go to some place "new". This week, we went to Athens. What a nice little town! It has the courthouse in the middle of the square with all the stores outlining the square. All the stores, are still open for business so that makes it fun. One of them was " White's Hardware". It's been there since 1912. It has all kinds of " olden" neat stuff in it. I think we must have spent almost an hour in there, being entertained. We bought a really nice rain gauge to measure ALL our rain we are getting. Chuck bought some hookie things that go on the end of chain to pull stuff out of the mud and I found this big acorn cookie cutter. There was a doorway leading to the next store and it was a restaurant that served down home cooking. That's were we had lunch. Afterwards we went into the old Drug Store and several of the other stores. We headed back home, feeling like we had a fun day and really liking the little town of Athens.

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