Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Animals of Alabama

We were driving home from town the other day and when we passed the big lake on the Beltline, we saw all of the Canadian Geese that usually make the lake their winter home there. They were all out "sunning themselves" but as I tried to get close to them to take pictures, they all waddled back into the water. Chuck is always taking a new road home to see where it comes out and this time we took " Mud Tavern Road". A new friend of ours, lives on this road and we wanted to see if we could find his house. ( we did) It's a beautiful drive over looking valleys and a winding road with lots of gorgeous houses on it. We pasted this one pasture and I told Chuck it looked like emus where out there. He turned the explorer around and we went back to get a closer look. Come to find out, they were llamas. When I got out and walked up to the fence, they started to come see who I was and if I had anything good to eat. They were so cute! They also had donkeys in the field with them. Ya just never know what you are going to see when you set out for a drive around here. Charlotte says that llama poop is the best thing ever for your garden so we are going to go visit the man that owns the llamas on Mud Tavern road and see if he wants us to scoop llama poop for This will be another adventure and post on the blog come Spring.

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