Friday, November 27, 2009

You know it's cold in the TT when......

Last night was our coldest night so far. It froze. There was frost on all the fields this pretty all white. Not so pretty trying to stay warm in the TT though. I put hand warmers in each of the kitties beds last night. Marmie loved his....Annie not so much. Marmie laid down on his and purred and purred. When I tried to put my hand under him to see where they were, he bit I guess he was afraid I was going to take his nice little heater out of his kitty bed. He slept on his all night. Now, Annie doesn't like anything "lumpy" in her bed so she didn't want to lay on them. I took and put them between the two layers of her kitty blanket and that was better. She did end up laying on hers then. When we got up this morning, it was colder than 44 degrees in the TT. That is when the thermostat stops registering. You know it's cold in the TT when you go to bed with a turtle neck, a sweat shirt, fleece pants and your furry lined jacket with a hood, on. Then, you cover up with a flannel sheet and two down comforters. You know when it's cold in the TT when, you set the butter out to be room temperature ....nice and soft...and it's still like it has just come out of the refrigerator......hard. You know when it's cold in the TT when your water you took out of the cooler, stays just as cold after it sits out for a day. Plus all the food in the pantry tastes like it came out of the refrigerator including the kitty food. ...which the kitties don't like that cold. We have one more night of freezing and then it's going to warm back up to the 40's at night and get to 60 during the day....yea!!!!!! Not ready for " true winter" just yet.....let us please have power and heat first.

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