Sunday, November 22, 2009

Our play day in the forest

We decided to take a day off and go play in the forest. We always have such a good time when we go hiking. You never know what you are going to come across....usually beautiful waterfalls and high canyons. This time we found several waterfalls and didn't even come across the ones we were looking for. That's ok...there is always next time. We did come across this funny old wrecked 1930 something car. We decided it must have gone off the road and over the canyon and there it stayed. I'm sure the people who were in it, didn't make it. It was a pretty high drop. The forest is loaded with these HUGE magnolia trees and in the fall all the leaves drop. They are every where. They are like giant umbrellas in the summer when they have their big green leaves on them. I always wear my rubber boots when we hike because it's so much fun being able to walk in the streams and rivers. I'm sure we will be spending a lot of our time in the forest. Chuck has maps and maps of different places to explore. We always call Shell before we enter the forest and let her know what area we will be in .....and if she doesn't hear from us by dark, she is to call the ranger station. You CAN get lost in there and your cell phone does NOT work. We've been lost a couple of times but Chuck's compass has saved us. Well, until next time we decided to run off to play in the forest............

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