Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My little studio

Since we decided not to move the couch into the TT and just leave the twin bed that Chuck sleeps on when we come to the land, in the living room, the little bedroom that we used for storage could be used for my studio. I was going to set up a corner in the barn for my studio but there is just no room. On one of our trips to Walmart, we bought a can of paint and I came home and painted the little room. Then, I started the many trips of hauling all my studio "stuff" from the barn. I'm still not done hauling but it's beginning to look like a room that I could spend many hours in. I knew I wouldn't be able to stand not to crop until the house was done and I had a studio again. The TT is really beginning to look like " home". I'll let ya all know when we get power and water like a "real home" has.


  1. I cant believe you fit all of that in that tiny little room. It looks like a real studio! Hope you have electricity soon to use it.

  2. I am still in amazement!!! I only wish the house I have lived in for 10 years looked like you new studio and to think NO electricity... Got it lookin' good:)
