Monday, August 31, 2009

Place Watermelon Rinds here.......

I always pack a picnic lunch for us to eat on the road, on the way to the land. We have found the perfect place to stop to eat is at the " Alabama State Line Welcome Center. We usually get there around lunch time. ( Alabama time....we gain an hour) A couple of years ago, we noticed this sign above a slab of cement....saying " PLACE WATERMELON RINDS HERE. We never have figured out why or what it is used for. It just makes us laugh every time we see it. We always go in the center and talk to the nice receptionists, while we see if there are any new flyers out that we haven't already grabbed from our many stops before. Every time, we introduce ourselves as the people who are trying to move to northern Ala, from Florida. They are beginning to remember us. We decided that next time we stop, we're going to ask them about the Watermelon Rinds sign. ...and I'll let ya'll know what they have to say about it. By the way, we stopped in northern Florida and bought this HUGE watermelon and thought it would be funny to take it out of the explorer and take a picture of it under the funny sign.

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