Thursday, April 2, 2009

Laundry mat 38 years later....

The first night we were sleeping in the TT, this trip, I noticed that my down comforter had meldew all over it. I couldn't figure out why. I decided instead of bringing it all the way back to Florida to wash it with bleach, we would buy some bleach, soap and find the "Local Laundry Mat". Well, that took some doing. It wasn't on any of the main streets in town, so we stopped at the local grocery store. I've been wanting to go in there to see what it's like, any ways. The teenager behind the cash register was cute. When we asked about the laundry mat, she explained how to get there by land marks cause she wasn't sure how many streets up the road it was. Then, she said to us...." Ya'll aren't from around here huh?"( in her real southern accent) lol. As we explain how we are trying to sell the house in Florida and move to Alabama, she says..." why would ya'll want to move here for?" We just laugh because everyone says that to us. We just tell them " to get away from a gazillion people and hot, hot, hurricane, no seasons weather. Then, they end up talking to us for 20 minutes and saying they can't wait for us to get up there. Just another example of how "southerners feel, think and act. It had been about 38 years since the last time we had been to a laundry mat. (good ole Navy days) What a shock on how much it costs. $1.75 per wash and .25 cents for 6..."yes SIX" minutes in the dryer. Oh yeah, you aren't suppose to wash your "horse blankets" in the washers either. Will have to remember that if we ever get a horse. lol. I think we had better start saving our quarters now for when we move and Chuck is working on putting the electricity and water in. It might be a couple of months before I will be doing laundry in the barn (until the house gets built)

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