Friday, March 20, 2009

Bush Hog update.....

Just a little update on my favorite goat in the world ( well, until I get Olivia of course)...." Bush Hog". Last Spring when we were up at the land, poor Bush Hog had broken one of his horns by butting at the fence post. The poor thing, looked really bad but then when we were up there at Thanksgiving time, he had broken the other horn and looked even worse. I thought for sure that the BNOE would tell us that Bush Hog went to " goat heaven". That is how bad he looked. I just couldn't stand to see him looking that way. I was amazed to see him looking so well this last trip. It did my heart good when I took him an apple and he was fatter than ever and his fur was bushy and he was " naaaaaaaing" away when he saw me. He just doesn't have any horns. Oh that doesn't mean he can't butt ya...cause he does...with his hard head. I don't know how long goats live for but I hope it's a long time cause ya just can't help but love " Bush Hog".

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