Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

We had a great Thanksgiving with all the trimmings, even though we didn't have water or electricity to do it with. All my holiday decorations are in the barn so it's easy to make it look like home. It felt like a real "family Thanksgiving" because the table we ate on was my Dad's, the side table we use for the food, was my Uncle Joe's, the table cloth was Auntie Barbara's ( who I was named after) and we even used Nana's ( Chuck's mom) good silverware. Even though all these people are no longer with us any more, it's a nice feeling that we have part of them there. Shell did a wonderful job of collecting things off the land to make our Thanksgiving Bouquet.( Martha Stewart has nothing on She even found a pretty little bird's nest. The pheasant feathers were from our yummy dinner the night before over at the the BNOE. After Thanksgiving lunch, Shell and I went to our " annual" shopping spree at the import shop a couple miles out in the country. Everything was 65% off. What fun we had. While we were gone, Chuck hooked up the bush hog to the tractor and mowed the drive way and paths. Sure makes a difference after it's all mowed. someone actually lives on the land. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving like we had. Wish it was time to do it all over again.

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