Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Gathering of the Gourds.....

The first thing we did when we arrived on the land for Thanksgiving, was walk down to the very over grown garden to see what kind of gourds where left growing. It was like having an Easter Egg hunt.....here a gourd, there a gourd,every where a gourd, gourd and two in a tree. We made sure that we found all there was to be found because we knew we would be bush hogging the garden area the next day. We even found a couple of little acorn squash and two or three summer squash, all not eatable any more. The bugs made one little acorn squash look like a cute little jack o lantern. Shell said it looked like it was saying " Boo Ya'll". lol. We put all the gourds on the picnic table until we had time to take them to the barn and then Chuck figured a way to hang them without touching each other....to dry. I bet there aren't too many people who have gourds hanging off of their canoe stand.... but ya just never know in Alabama.

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