Friday, October 24, 2008


I think we have just about every brochure that has anything to do with anything around our land, driving to our land or about places we want to visit in Alabama. Believe me, we have a whole drawer full of them. They are fun to get out and look through and dream about when we are living up there and can experience some of these places. The " 100 dishes to eat in Alabama before you die" is listed by cities. Every time we drive through Dothan, we pass one of the places on the list. " Loyless Donuts"! Since donuts are my most favorite things in the world to eat,(Shell is suppose to serve them at my wake) of course I want the best. No matter what time we drive through Dothan, Loyless is never open. We thought maybe they went out of business. The last time we stopped at the Alabama welcome center at the state line, we asked the nice receptionist about Loyless. She told us that Mr. Loyless gets up at 4:00 am and makes a certain amount of donuts and when they are gone, he closes the shop. With this being the case, we are never going to get any donuts on the way to the land. BUT....we always spend the weekend with Gene and George on the way home and they live two hours from Dothan. So, this last time we got up really early (even told Gene and George good bye the night before) and left by 5:00 am to get to Loyless by 7:00. Surely we would be there in time to get a couple of donuts. We pull up and Loyless is STILL closed! They were on vacation that week. One of these days, I WILL get my Loyless donuts....if it's the last thing I do before I die.

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